Band Boosters
CHS Band Boosters
Are you a Sound of the Storm fan? Whether you’re a family member or community supporter, we would love to have you join us as we provide fundraising, chaperoning and technical assistance. As a member of the CHS Band Boosters, you will be invited to join us for meetings to discuss upcoming band activities including fundraisers, Senior Night, MPA, Band Yearbook, End of Year Banquet and more.

How Much Does Membership Cost?
- Membership in the CHS Band Boosters starts at $5 per person. As a member you will be kept up to date on all Booster activities, including opportunities to volunteer, receive notices for and minutes from our meetings and will have voting privileges.
How to Pay for Your Membership.
You may pay for your Booster Membership via credit card using the form below. Payments can also be made by cash or check (made payable to CHS Band Boosters Inc.) and brought to any booster meeting or given to any booster executive board member.
Please contact the CHS Band Booster Executive Board at